Web GIS Developer

Billy Adwar



My Set of skills range from Web GIS development, Geospatial database management, Spatial statistics, remote sensing, geospatial data collection, surveying and machine learning.

GIS Web Development

From location information, web GIS tools are gaining foot due to their usability and flexibility. Geospatial analysis can now be brought into the web using open source tools and proprietary tools.

Spatial Statistics

Spatial statistics and econometrics involves discovering patterns in geospatial data and suing inferential technique to identify hidden structure in data. With this technique, you can be able to know why a certain phenomena is occuring at a certain place and why it's only at that location. Bsusinesses and organizations use these techniques to discover patterns such as consumer behavior, disease spread, crime hotspots etc.

Machine Learning

With your data, I can deploy algorithms and optimize them to make computers learn from the data and turn it into knowledge. I will utilize these powerful algorithms to make predictions for your business needs and predict future events. Machine learning offers insights and improves on the knowledge built using more data.


Almost all phenomena that affect human beings occur on the Earth's surface. Therefore, ahving knowledge of the where these phenomena occurs provides kniwledge of why, how, where and even when they could occur. This knowledge can be gained by collecting data on positions within the Earth's surface.

Recent Projects

SDI for Disaster Management (Geo-Portal)

Geonode, Geoserver, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JS

This SDI geo-portal was developed for coordinating data collection and sharing amongst disaster management organizations in Kenya, simulating how users will be able to share data seamlessly. With the geo-portal, data from organizations doesn't need to be in a single spatial database, the databases can be harvested by the SDI periodically. The SDI supports user permissions, multiple users can use the portal at a moment. Details are located at DISASTER SDI KENYA.


Web GIS for Avocado farmers

Geo-Django, HTML, CSS,JS, LeafletJS, GeoServer,PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PgRouting, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, Twilio

The objective of this project was to connect avocado farmers with potential stakeholders in avocado farming, assist farmers in delivery of their produce to the pick up locations using shortest route networks and optimizing pickup of their avocado produce using service area allocation. Details are located at Web-GIS-for avocado farmers.


Geo-portal for Geodetic Networks in Kenya

Geo-Django, JS, Chart Js, LaefletJS, GeoServer,PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PgRouting

Geodetic networks in Kenya have for years been troublesome to surveyors and geospatial data managers to locate, finds coordinates thereof, and even use any set of available geodetic points within an area. The portal enables surveyors to know the status of the geodetic networks before they visit the field within a web map. They can be able to know the order of the geodetic networks and access how those networks willbe useful to them before going to the field. And while in the field, they can still be able to report on the status on the contol stations which in turn will help other surveyors in their work. Details are located at Geodetic Network Kenya.


UK Road Traffic Accidents Analysis

Python, Geopandas, Fiona, Shapely, Pandas, Matplotlib, PySAL, PointPats

Road accidents are a menace within the society, despite that, there are reasons why road accidents occur at certain locations and not in other locations, this makes accidents unique in terms of their discrete nature. Using data collected from occurences of road accidents, point patterns were investigated to establish interactions such as clustering. The point data was then aggregated into areal units to determine accident hotpots and coldspots.


Sentiment Analysis: Hotel Reviews Text Mining

Python, Scikit learn, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, seaborn, NLTK

Natural Language Processing (NLP) involves extracting useful information from text. Information could be the way people feel, think or even want. From the hotel reviews, the anlysis can be able to classify a certain sentiment as negative or postive. From text mining, a customer can be advised on the based hotels to visit and those to avoid on a trip to Europe.


About me

Web GIS Developer

Billy is a self-driven, goal oriented and enthusistic individual seeking to expand his knowledge and skills in tech, especially in the geospatial field by learning and doing. I graduated from Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, DeKUT with a BS.c in Geomatics and GIS, and that has strengthened my will to pursue geospatial tech, and use my knowlegde to apply technology in the geospatial world. My aim is to create solutions that work for you as I strengthen my career.

Contact info


0702 568824




P.O Box 373-40400